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Traveling Internationally? Have A Drink on American Airlines

American Airlines invites customers to raise a glass. Beginning Feb. 1, customers traveling in the main cabin on American's international flights between the U.S. and Europe, Asia, and certain countries in South America can enjoy beer and wine - compliments of the airline - as part of the inflight beverage service. ( Más...

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I'll bet it's not an all you can drink buffett. To your point though, boozing it up on a long flight will indeed be receipe for trouble. And I like a toddy as good as anyone.
I hear they are giving away free Eastman Kodac disposeable cameras too so you can remember your trip. The bankruptcy judges got together.

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Eastman just filed bankruptcy. Just a little bankruptcy humor.
chalet 0
All airlines get to buy beverages alcoholic and non-alc at very low prices -below whosesale- as it is a way to promote brands among passengers so don´t shed tears for what AA is doing.

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chalet 0
What are you talking about, less airlnes means less competition and higher prices.

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chalet 0
The US commercial aviation traffic is greater than the rest of the world combined that is why two airlines as you suggest would be hell for the passengers. Indeed a lot of legacy airlines went kaputt but it was due to horribly bad management. Just to mention a single example: Pan Am bought whole fleets or airplanes on a whim, they never had a methodical approach explaning in detail why X number of planes of a given type (2, 3 or 4 engines) are need for the next 5 years on such and such routes. You can fill hundreds of books detailing the mistakes all those airlines made. And right now some of those mistakes continue to be made: i.e. bloated or excessive fleets chasing the same number of passengers. You can go to the deserts in Arizona and California and see hundreds of aircraft roasting in the sun some of which can be used effectively now but, no, better buy new ones, and their balance sheets are being printed in RED NUMBERS even before Sep. 11.

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chalet 0
Whenever a company, any company, enjoys a monopolistic or duopolistic position first of all the prices go up because of the eternal and inevitable law of supply vs. demand, and secondly the service does not necessarily improve, why should they spend any money to provide good service if they have the clients by the you-know-whats. Nothing beats competition, nothing. As for the size of traffic measured in terms of passenger-miles per year or also in terms of number of aircraft in their fleets, the U.S. gobbles Europe and China in a heart beat. Visit the ICAO site and search for the statistics.

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Tim Smith 0
Alcohol is cheap, this isn't going to break their balance sheet.
kyle dunst 0
Fly on AA too much and you'll end up at the other AA
Nice play on AA. Bet they won't give you enough that the other AA will come into play.
mike power 0
I travel frequently from Canada to Europe and never pay for wine or beer in economy ..within europe most star alliance partners offer the same option.This fall flights between san francisco and Seoul and Osaka on Asiana also offered complimentary beverages. I understand service within north america for most carriers has a charge but I'm surprised a carrier like American would charge , where many don't.I understand when I fly low cost carriers or pay super low fares but for international travel this suprises me.
chalet 0
Which European airlines served you liquor for free. I just took a swing flying on Air France (Business) and Spanair (Economy) and it was complementary only on the transatlantic legs and Business the rest was like Euros 15.oo for a beer and a snack.
dbaker 0
In early 2002, the majority (if not all) of US carriers began charging for alcohol on all flights; previously it was complimentary for transoceanic travel.
Stephen Brown 0
AAl has pgraded quite a bit.
Could this be the beginning of a reversal from no frills?
dbaker 0
Probably not, American is doing a lot of things to try and help their image during the bankruptcy.
Gene Nowak 0
Probably won't sit too well with the stockholders who have lost their shirts.
Gene Nowak 0
Including money they don't have? Wonder how the bankruptcy judge will look upon this type of expenditure.


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