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TSA to test its airport scanner operators for radiation exposure

After years of rebuffing health concerns over airport scanners, the Transportation Security Administration plans to conduct new tests on the potential radiation exposure from the machines at more than 100 airports nationwide. But the TSA does not plan to retest the machines or passengers. Instead, the agency plans to test its airport security officers to see if they are being exposed to dangerous levels of radiation while working with the scanners. ( Más...

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Roger Moore 0
Several of us that fly long haul flights, especially polar routes, have used them to collect data. The company dismisses the data as unreliable because they don't want to have to do anything about it.
I can see the parasite lawyer adds on tv now. "If you have flown in the last 2 years you may be entitled to compensation" I thought there were no exposure problems with these machines? Chertoff said so.

Troy Raiteri 0
Well if they find anything how much you wanna bet they'll cover it up as quick as they notice it?
Patrick Smith 0
Exposure concerns are a red herring.

The real problem with these machines is that they don't necessarily work, and that they're a multi-billion dollar fleecing of US taxpayers.

Who is TSA KIDDING?  They've got a scanner at one checkpoint, but NO scanner at the one right next to it. They've got scanners at some airports, but not others...  

Hmmm, it'd take some real brains for a terrorist to work around that.  

Meanwhile, explosives sniffing dogs can do as good a job at a fraction of the price.   

Oh, but of course there isn't some corporation standing to rake in billions from the government for the deployment of dogs.  

That's what this is about. Follow the money, not the radiation.

Matt Comerford 0
no joke, it's all about the $ and the corporate lobby!
They are definitely behind the airplane on this issue.
Ron Shelton 0
In 30 years I hope it has been out of existsnt for about 29 years.
Robert Curley 0
You and me both, brother.
Ron Shelton 0
In 30 years I hope the TSA is long gone.
Robert Curley 0
I see in the story they have no intention to test the people they are directly irradiating. In 30 years when cancer rates skyrocket. I bet the TSA won't even be mentioned.
Don Loughran 0
Amazing that crewmembers (exposed to higher levels of radiation than common-folk), aren't issued rad badges.
richard weiss 0
Maybe it's time for the Pilot unions to put a few radiation test badges on volunteers to see how much we are really exposed.
preacher1 0
Probably that nobody ever thought of it
preacher1 0
That should have already been put in place as it is standard procedure for other workers working around any radiation source continually,i.e Xray techs, nuclear power plant and all the military folks that work around any nuclear stuff.

Question is, what if they find over exposure or someone at threshold, what are they gonna do?
richard weiss 0
Simple, Wayne. The TSA will bury the data, move the over exposed individuals to non-checkpoint duties and march on from there. But imagine when (the truth will always find a way)the data is made public. Every law firm in the country will switch from Mesotheliyoma litigation to radiation exposure suits. Get ready.
preacher1 0
probably so
zennermd 0
I don't think they'll do anything because they aren't going to find anything. If you know what I mean...
preacher1 0
Sad, but probably true
zennermd 0
Roland Dent 0
Right on Wayne yes..workers in that industry wear a card which records the total input. Not sure what happens in the US military but here in Europe we wear a tag.


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