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Air France-KLM confirms order for 25 787-9s plus 25 options

Air France-KLM today confirmed that it has placed a firm order for 25 Boeing 787-9s plus 25 options as part of the 110-strong widebody order signed last September, but it has yet to finalise its A350-900 agreement with Airbus. ( Más...

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Michael McCarthy 0
Mmmmm ! ! how many years delay this time ???
Jeff Akerman 0
Has Boeing started production on the 787-9 series yet?

David Brooks 0
It is in design phase now. Likely parts that are common with the 787-8 are being fabricated. Production has not started yet.
wingbolt 0
What happened to the -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, and -7?
raptor22ms 0
They were not good enough and it gets better if you put and X behind the 9
wingbolt 0
So it takes 7 failures to make the first good one? Sounds like Hawker/Beech!
raptor22ms 0
Or eclipse jet only been bought and sold 1000 times but whos counting
David Brooks 0
Here is Boeing's announcement.


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