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FedEx Said to Plan Purchase 30 Boeing 767 Freighters Listed at $5.26 Billion

FedEx Corp. (FDX) plans to order about 30 Boeing Co. (BA) wide-body freighters to replace older, less fuel- efficient jets, three people familiar with the matter said. The planes would be valued at about $5.26 billion at list prices. The order by the world’s largest cargo airline may be announced as soon as next week, said one of the people, who declined to be identified because the matter hasn’t been made public. Talks have ended with Airbus SAS, a Boeing competitor, the person said. ( Más...

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preacher1 0
I guess it could be price & delivery but I wonder why they aren't ordering more 777's like they did earlier in the year. It don't say what they are retiring but the transition into a 767 is simple from anything and even carries a dual type with the 757, so who knows. I'm just glad to see the business going to Boeing and I know the pilot's will be.
canuck44 0
This is no real surprise and I think I predicted that on this blog a month or so ago. 767 is a good platform and as Les notes Boeing needs to keep the line open for the new USAF tanker so FedEx got a great deal.

The other half of the coin is that once that commercial line runs out to build tankers and the 787 is joining commercial fleets there will be lots of 767-300ER airframes available for conversion (winglets, gear strengthening, floor strengthening, additional fuel capacity and glass cockpits +/- new engines). It is safe to assume FedEx will get a great price to pick up these AC and choose the best maintained ...think the 727s they got from Air Canada who actually converted them for sale. The 767 can do most of what FedEx needs.

American will want to dump their 300s and the timing should be good. Even cheaper would be the desert full of 200s. Looking down the road, don't be surprised to see FedEx begin to look at converting 777-200s as they will start becoming available in about another 5 years.
I second the rah-rah for the business going to Boeing. That's a good thing.
skylloyd 0
Wayne, the word from my Boeing sources is that Fedex loves the 777, but Boeing is selling the 767's at very discounted prices, as the 767's are retuns from customers waiting for the 787's to be delivered, this was a appeasement arrangement, how true this, remains to be seen.
Troy Raiteri 0
Chris Watts 0
Yes they would be replacing the 310s and remainder of the 727s. However, it is my understanding that Fedex will have to develop a new ULD (container) for the 767.
preacher1 0
that wouldn't be that big a deal, but I was thinking that the 767 and 777 were pretty close together on inside dimension, hence those on the 777 working.

99NY 0
So long A310's and 727's...Sad to see the 27's go.
Brian Bishop 0
Wayne, my guess is they'll be phasing out the rest of their 727's and some 752's. They fly at least two 752's here every day. It hasn't been that long since they were coming here in the 27's.
Kevin Bush 0
Based on some info I've heard from a former MX tech in MEM is that they should be replacing the 310s.
preacher1 0
Well, I heard here while back that the pilots weren't evn happy with the AB's they had and that was a big reason for the 777 order earlier in the year rather than Airbus, that they were defintely wanting to keep the pilot's happy.
Kevin Bush 0
Yeah, I haven't heard many complaints from pilots, but I know our MX hates the AB's.
canuck44 0
It would be nice to be able to see FedEx operating cost data for the various types. The 727s are all scheduled to be replaced using acquired 757s and FedEx is big enough to get them upgraded as a fleet. The 767s most likely will replace some of the AB and as we noted on a previous post, there will be many more available for conversion to freighters as the 787s appear...think American and Air Canada (where FedEx got a lot of their 727s).

Re-engining and winglets could be available for all the 757 and 767 used converted acquisitions giving a common cockpit for much of the fleet.
preacher1 0
I know one thing, ain't no sweat on making that transition. They carry dual type rating and although my check ride was an hour and a half, I was done before we turned around to come back. Sweet
Brian Bishop 0
Duh....and obviously the DC-10's like the one on the FA homepage!


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