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Unreal New York City Fly-By Video

An amazing on-board video of an R/C airplane flying through New York City. They buzz the Brooklyn Bridge, go "building surfing," and circle the Statue of Liberty. ( Más...

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Chip Hermes 0
How is this legal?
GlobalG 0

idatum 0
Although this is an amazing video, the AMA (Acadamy of Aeronautics, basically they keep our RC hobby from being ruined by these people) highly condemms this. The people who flew this flight came from their country in Europe, completely ignored the rules and their common sense and put this amazing hobby in even greater jeapordy. I build/fly RC models and its great fun but its these people in these tough times that could ruin it for all of us. Many think were overreacting over this but again, it only takes one person. Please keep this in mind while watching.


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