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(Video) Aviation Art: Sky's the Limit

// Camera: Panasonic TM-15 // Editing: Sony Vegas Pro, Neat Video Pro // Template by JProductionsSV // Music: Helios - Convivium ( Más...

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jmilleratp 0
Well done!
Nicholas Langley 0
This video was awesome! Not only was it well put together but the scenes of the airport and airlines coming and going was so well put together! Five Stars!
If you've ever studied art you know that the term is used broadly and loosely. Anything with any aesthetic value is considered art really (Heck, even some stuff without. A blank white canvas? Really?)

Don't listen to these guys Chris. Awesome video. :)

Tim Smith 0
Agreed, cool video. And yes, that is considered art, just not your traditional painting or statue.
Kawaiipoint2 0
Is it shot with a professional camera? Yes.
Does that make it art? No.
I love planes and especially airliners so its not to be a negative remark. But im getting a little tired of misleading titles...
Ben Lillie 0
Why is this considered "art"?
Kawaiipoint2 0


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