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Fastest plane ever launches in Mach 20 test

After launching on a rocket, DARPA's Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle prototype reaches suborbital space and then re-enters Earth's atmosphere at speeds of about Mach 20 (DARPA) ( Más...

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Bill Kline 0
after skipping like a flat rock accross the big pond into china's hands
Rick Platz 0
"hole" in the ionized air envelope, at the tail end of the craft, through which it can communicate upwards to a satellite in orbit and thence to a ground station.
Rick Platz 0
Until the creation of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System, the Space Shuttle would, like Gemini, Mercury, Apollo, and others, endure a 30 minute long communications blackout before landing. However, the Shuttle can communicate with a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite during re-entry. This is because the shape of the Shuttle creates a
Scott Campbell 0
The idea being... we talk about AVIATION here, not turning it into the average blogosphere of nonsense, comedy, and politics.

Can we get back to the real subjects.

al fredericks 0
to h.w.lam - i agree with your comment. but this has being going on for HOW LONG.any way to make money. missle, anti-missile, anti-anti missle on an on. sell our souls, we will fix it later
H W Lam 0
I agree with Michael Fuq. And next, watch us sell/give it to all our "friends", like the Saudis and Mexicans, so in 5 years someone (the real terrorists) can use yet another war machine we paid for on us (again). sigh
al fredericks 0
u.f.o.s aliens must look down at the 13,000, commenting, look at that, from a 3 wheeler to a 2 wheeler WOW!
Jim Quinn 0
Robert: Thanks for the space capsule info. Is this something that has been resolved? I would have thought so, considering the Shuttle operations went for 30 years and I never heard anything about comm blackouts. Do you have anything else you may know to shed some light? Thank you in advance.
Victor Engel 0
Robert Van Dyke 0
Wingscruber, you are right, unless the Aurora project exists or not who knows> luv that plane too.

Regards to coment made by i beleive, the blackout period for the Mercury, Gemini and the Apollo was Around 3-5 minutes.
Wingscrubber 0
I challenge the statement that this is the 'fastest plane', it's more of a sub-orbital rocket glider. I think the title for the fastest true aeroplane to take off and land under it's own power in one piece is still the SR-71.
Jim Quinn 0
I seem to recall that there was lost communications with the early space program capsules as they reentered the atmosphere. Wasn't there a timeframe when the heat shields on Gemini (and perhaps the Mercury) spacecraft generated some ionization that knocked out radio comm with the earth for about a minute or so? Or is my memory simply not what it used to be?
John Lear 0
I don't think any of us know how fast the War On Terror can go so maybe M 20 is the possible upper limit. Thank the Lord for our Pentagon Battle forecasters.
Michael Fuquay 0
Let me get this right - The government uses bazillions of dollars to make a rocket that will travel to sub-orbital space, glide at mach 20, then crash into the ocean - both attempts resulting in loss of contact.

Isn't it wonderful to see how the government uses our money in these dark economic times. (sigh)
Horace Sinclair 0
This is still a big advancement in Hypersonic Technology, I hope we'll be able to produce the material to accommodate that type of stress in sub-orbit.
Robert Van Dyke 0
Or better yet, maybe it had alien parts and decided to fly home lol.

On a serious note if that thing broke up ???? at Mach 20, doubt there going to find anything, and what is stated above is the last I heard too
Ryan Costello 0
It's been a long day, Falcon is probably on the way to the beach lol

goldfoot 0
So they lost contact with a craft speeding along at Mach 20. Shocking. But does anyone know where the Falcon is now?


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