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Meet Tom Stuker: United Airlines' 10 Million Mile Man

Like all travellers, Tom Stuker has stories. But when you travel as much as Stuker does, the stories are a lot better. As an automotive sales consultant, Stuker, 57, works on the retail side, helping develop salespeople and sales management. That means he flies a lot. Not once-a-month a lot. More like 29,000-miles-a-month a lot. ( Más...

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Toby Sharp 0
i wanna know how much has been spent on his tickets cumulatively
Donny Malinoff 0
"I can train a monkey to sell 12 cars in a month."
Duane Sanders 0
I know Tom pretty well. Many years ago (eraly 1990's) he bought a lifetime pass that allows him to fly unlmited flights in 1st class with companion. They do not offer this lifetime pass any longer.
Wayne Fox 0
Bet his butt is sore. Wonder what his solution to deep leg thrombosis is?

Duane Sanders 0
Casinos and drinking?


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