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A TSA Free Airline - PlaneRed

PlaneRed is an all-you-can-eat flight subscription launching around September 1st 2011 that will fly just below the TSA’s radar – using 9-person planes to dodge under their screening of any plane carrying over 10 passengers. The subscriptions will work as such – passengers will pay around $150 a month for access to a booking system much like a city bus, able to book on popular routes on the east coast, serving Atlantic City, New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C.. They hope to expand quickly to… ( Más...

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Amy Dillon 0
P.S. Not suggesting this concept is an electronic device; a comparative example.
Amy Dillon 0
Love the concept. It's my nature to be skeptical about anything new... Hope it succeeds. But, just like any new electronic device, the kinks get worked out over time, and those who patiently wait see the bigger picture over time.
No negativity; just conservative in nature.
Tom Edvardsson 0
-->Capt Robert
Do you have one for sale?

Guys; stop the negativity. Just because the established companies in the industry fail doesn't mean there is no room for new ideas and concepts. People DO FLY! And in growing numbers. Why shouldn't this work? Because it's outside "the box"?
Amy Dillon 0
Another thing to consider: Are these new planes or older planes reconfigured? Who actually owns the planes, or are they subleased or contracted from a manufacturer to supply according to demand? What are the commitment terms for the $150 per month (annual or month by month obligation)?

I used to believe in the "lifetime warranty" until I learned the hard way that my lifetime outlasted theirs! Even insurance companies will drop you when you pay up front for their insurance protection but they go under.

Thanks, but I'll pass on this deal, form what I can gather so far.
skyddog 0
Almost any idea is worth considering... But when you lose 50% of what you have, like your freedom, and you try to get it back, it takes a 100% increase to get back from where you started. That's where we are with terrorism. They won, but we keep trying. What choice do we have?
FlyNYC 0
TSA still has control over security for these flights because they are still a commercial operation!

They simply fall under a different security program because they will be Part 135 charter instead of a Part 121 scheduled airline. You won't be screened by TSA screeners, but all your information still has to be checked against the "no-fly" list and TSA can still screw this up.
gary cafego 0
I hope this is a success and spreads, TSA fuels the fire of fear that ingulfs our liberty,
Troy Raiteri 0
This sounds like a great airline I would fly! TSA would be begging to be in their security system but nope no TSA hallelujah thank god.
Hey Tom .. want to buy a bridge?
Buying more planes is how many airlines end up in bankruptcy court. It takes a lot of passenger to pay for a million dollar aircraft. Remember the old do you make a million dollars in the airline business? Start with 2 million. They are already starting in the whole, with equipment to pay for, to saddle the startup with more obligation would be foolhardy.
Tom Edvardsson 0
If it's oversold that means they can buy more planes, right??
Background check? It's people like you that create the crazy scared society we now live in. Live a little. Please.
Tom Edvardsson 0
Why the negative comments?? I want to invest in this concept. It's brilliant.

AccessAir 0
Ever hear of Seaport Airlines??? 9 Passenger PC-12 and Cessna Carvans. They fly FBO to FBO to avoid the TSA crap...And its working.....
Old news...
never work.
My guess is that it will be oversold on routes between NY, DC, etc. and your $150 a month won't get you a seat. Then again, if they limit the number of subscribers it may work if there is some flexibility in the scheduling system. If this is just to avoid the TSA, then it probably won't go anywhere, but if it is designed to give the "private jet" feeling to business travelers who wouldn't be able to afford it, they could have a winner.
Amy Dillon 0
A nine person plane to only eastern seaboard popular destinations for $1800. a year. Great concept, but I'd hope a really thorough backround check is required for each passenger. Notice they don't guarantee a flight unless enough passengers sign-up. Like they said, it's like a magazine subscription...They only reserve your seat when they collect enough money to afford the plane.
Garrett Heuer 0
Very innovative!


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