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Crew Flies Boeing 747-8 From Seattle To Pittsburgh For Sandwiches

Boeing crew test flies the 747-8 from Seattle to Philadelphia for sandwiches. Plans to fly to other cities for their specialty foods as well are made by the Captain. ( Más...

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dmanuel 0
Heck, I'll buy the pilots lunch, if they fly here and give me a tour.

Robert Fleming 0
First off...EEEEEEEEEEEEW....fries on a sandwich is well, strange, but to add Coleslaw on top of that, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW X 2. Also in the article, it was said that 'in the future the crew planned on flying to get 'pasties' God I hope they meant pastRies....if not that crew is full of a bunch of perverts! lmao!
Brian Bishop 0
Gotta fly the thing somewhere, why not make it interesting. I know a really good Cajun place not far from The Big Easy. Shrimp gumbo anyone!
That's awesome.
conmanflyer 0
Looks good!


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