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Track Boeing 747-8 Biofuel Flight Seattle -> Paris

RT @BoeingAirplanes Track Boeing 747-8 Freighter (RC522)'s biofuel flight from Seattle area to Paris #PAS11 #avgeek #Boeing #flightaware ( Más...

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Victor Engel 0
Can you post more information on the biofuel? Is it just this instance that's powered by biofuel? Does this plane always use biofuel? More information would be nice.
mark tufts 0
i agree with you victor as i figure either ethanol or soyoil
Victor Engel 0
Gene Nowak 0
Why don't you both look up the major advancements and commitments the USAF has made in using biofuels. They have been at it a lot longer than the airlines wish to admit.
karen terry 0
Is it possible and practical for general public Americans to attend Paris Air Shows? If so, how are tickets acquired? I've looked online but can't find any specific information about tickets (cost, how to buy, etc.).
dbaker 0
@karenterry - It's open to the public the 24th through 26th. Tickets are €13/day. Airfare to Paris is available for <$1K (advance purchase).

[ Paris Air Show - General Public TIckets]
Paul Claxon 0
Turbo engines don't use ethanol !
Ralph Addison 0
I thought flightaware did NOT track international flights.

dbaker 0
FlightAware has had increasing international support over the last few years.
Ralph Addison 0
Hum, not from what I see. Any routes you can call out to me. Thanks.
lvdudeman 0
Ralph check out British Airways 275, LHR to LAS
Mark DaChain 0
From the FlightAware FAQ:

How does FlightAware handle international flights? What is FlightAware's service area?

FlightAware's primary service area includes the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam), Canada, the Caribbean, and the United Kingdom. Flights in the primary service area support real time maps, departure and arrival information, delays, and more.

FlightAware's secondary service covers scheduled major airline operations at any airport in the world. Flights in the secondary service area support departure and arrival information.

For flights arriving in a service area from outside of a service area, FlightAware will be able to track the flight when it nears a service area. For flights departing a service area, FlightAware will be able to track the flight until it leaves the coverage area. Flights may not be tracked beyond that point unless they enter another service area.
Gary Wall 0
Okay The BIO-FUEL Idea is great, but lets remember it's not available internationally, so really burning less fuel per pound of payload is a more practical goal in the short term. lets not forget Boeing has made one of the Greatest airplanes of all time even Greater.
Remember that it took Airbus with it's 380 a very long time to catch up, and when that did it was a bit of a hollow Victory. As the A380 has not really had a stellar beginning, I'd say Boeing is the Standard of how well North American manufacturing we needs to be to compete internationally. We should attention to it.

Sorry to sound like a Boeing commercial I don't work for them, but as a Pilot and Aviation enthusiast I recognize a success story when I see it.
Douglas White 0
Honeywell and Gulfstream did the same flight with the same fuel. Both however used a mixed ratio of jet to bio.


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