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Home-built RV-7A airplane excavated from basement

Reeves figured it cost him $40,000 to $45,000 to build the plane, plus the $5,000 it cost to excavate down to his foundation, shore up the basement walls, jack up the house and knock a hole in the wall large enough to safely get the plane out. ( Más...

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Robert Duke 0
This is great! Where there is a will there is a way. Gotta wonder though how many hours building this aircraft should have been dedicated to his work duties with IBM since he worked from home. I don't think I could be that disciplined seperating work from play if they are the under the same roof...or floor....
h d harrison 0
Back in the 70's when working the mid-shift at Indianapolis Center, a fellow controller would sometimes bring in various components of a Bede-5 he was assembling. We would help him work on it to keep from going to sleep.
Bob Packett 0
It's tougher than it sounds, congratulations and great flying!
Nine years and $40,000 - how many people would have that kind of persistance? I'm betting that building it in the basement was a carefully thought-out decision, too. From the video, it looks like he does pretty decent sheet metal work, as well, so he's learned a skill - along with the fiberglass, electrical, and possibly welding skills! Doing a project like this can be a life-enriching process - and when it's finished, you get to fly it! How cool is that?
TTail 0
@JIM DAY, He has my respect. 2200 hours of dedicated work. $40,000 commitment. He deserves respect, not quips from people who will never demonstrate this type of commitment in their lives. This is what aviation in America used to be built on. I AGREE 100% WITH THIS POST. GOOD JOB!!!!
Darien Soleimany 0
Reading this article, I felt like I was reading something in The Onion.
Jim Day 0
Bobby - I guess I have known a better day (in my past 59 years). General aviation has priced itself out of reach for the regular person, VA benefits for flight training have all but disappeared, our multitude of manufacturers have been combined into a few large defense oriented mega-corps, potential new civilian pilots are pledging the farm for student loans for pilot training (that can run up to the tens of thousands), pilots aren't making a living wage (Colgan Air - Buffalo accident), and some of the greatest names in civil aviation no longer exist. I pray that you are right.
Bobby Rhett 0
Great post, Jim. I might amend the last part though...aviation in America is still built on people like this with a passion for flying. Fear of change and frustration about regs didn't stop this guy from spending 9 years on his hobby. I'd like to see more of that in the industry.
Jim Day 0
He has my respect. 2200 hours of dedicated work. $40,000 commitment. He deserves respect, not quips from people who will never demonstrate this type of commitment in their lives. This is what aviation in America used to be built on.
Jim Miget 0
Great idea sounded crazy at first but if that was his only option other than an off site location it was a great idea. It kept him at home with his family while persuing his passion. I would try that but I don't have a basement so I would have to build a basement under my house then build an airplane then tear out the wall to remove it.
Jim Miget 0
Great idea sounded crazy at first but if that was his only option other tan an off site location it was a great idea. It kept him at home with his family while persuing his passion. I would try that but I don't have a basement so I would have to build a basement under my house then build an airplane then tear out the wall to remove it.
TTail 0
is that like jethro gibbs on NCIS building a sailboat by hand in his basement?? sounds like it to me. he must have budgeted the 5K into the cost of buying the kit, and putting it together. whatever works for this guy, and i bet he will be EXTRA careful when he is out putting some hours on his brand new hand built RV7. good for him.
runway18escanaba 0
WOW!! Thats Awsome
CaptStephanC 0
A well spent $5,000.00........and great aeronautical decision making already indicated.......Having access to your project at close hand (no commute required), and then being able to work on your aircaft whenever you had that desire by going down to your basement, in the comfortable environment of your home, reflect foresight, and respect for your aircraft, and aviation.......I am sure you will treat flying your aircraft in the same way......Also, thanks to Ricky Scott and Matt Boehm, for their supportive comments.............

Obwan46 0
The plane looks pretty cool... hope he has fun with it.
Richard Judy 0
I hope his aeronautical decision making is a little better than this!
Matt Boehm 0
Come on... This is how EAA works. Having a place in your home is what its all about. The time and money it takes to build in a rented hangar, or in an out building, could be huge. Then let alone the cost to heat it. If you have the space in the basement, Why not?! Well done! Good luck with the completion of the aircraft!
Ricky Scott 0
I myself think this is kinda cool. Its obvious he loves airplanes and what better place to build it than your basement. The fact that he had to make a Garage isn't bad, because now he has a nice new access to his basement he didn't have before. 5k doesn't seem so bad compared to renting a place that you have to constantly drive to. At least he was home every day to work on it.
mikeNY 0
Rent a shed at $1000/mo x 9 years = $108,000. plus costs for commuting from PA to Iowa appears to be more than double the lack of foresight cost him.
steven meyer 0
Seems that he could have spent the 5,000 on an out building and built it there instead-but then you would have to have a bit of forsight.
mark tufts 0
i could have rented him a shed here in iowa where he could have built his plane and it would have cost him $1,000.00 a month
Jeff Lawson 0
Rather poor planning to start building it in such a confined space. Of course renting a hangar for that many years would probably have been much more expensive than $5000.


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