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Canada triggers NAFTA Chapter 19 over hefty Bombardier tariffs

OTTAWA – The federal government has filed requests for panel reviews under NAFTA Chapter 19 to appeal final U.S. decisions to impose duties on imports of Bombardier C Series aircraft and softwood lumber from Canada. ( Más...

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canuck44 1
This will be a waste of time and Trump is liable to end NAFTA before any resolution is achieved. He knows he is dealing with Obama-lite. The softwood dispute has been going on for a long time and will drag on for years more unless NAFTA ends. Canada's problem is they have failed to diversify their markets relying on NAFTA when they should have built pipelines to both coasts and shipped goods like the softwood to Asia.

Tom Novak 1
Canada's problem is being isolated by its southern neighbor.
canuck44 2
Not really. Canada has been complacent in many of its resource exports. Coal and wheat are very well organized to the West Coast using Unit Trains, but there has been a reliance on the Southern markets for most of manufactured goods, electrical power, lumber and hydrocarbons. The provinces of British Columbia and Quebec have stopped pipelines by trying to shake down a slice of the resources which could be sold to Asia and Europe from the two coasts. Canada has done nothing to convert its crude and natural gas to semi-finished products. The Greenies in the current government will block any effort to diversify.


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