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Fights, Smashed Computers, and Food Thrown in Riot at Shenzhen Airport Over Delayed Flights

Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport was a chaotic frenzy last weekend when delays and cancellations caused by heavy rain were too much for some passengers to handle. Many angry people surrounded airline staff, shouting, pelting them with food, and smashing airline equipment. More than 100 flights were affected on the evening of May 15, causing about 1,000 passengers to wait at the airport until the early hours of the following day. ( Más...

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Several years ago in the Beijing old airport I witnessed a passenger literally reach across the podium and grab the airline employee by the neck and start slapping him repeatedly all because the agent told him he couldn't have his family sit together.
Jimmy Robinson 1
At that point, I think customer service should be put on hold and 'control' should take over. There is a limit as to how much latitude a customer, or passenger, should be given.
Lucio DiLoreto 2
We exported rioting to the Chinese.
744pnf 1
Appears the most dangerous part of a flight in China is at the airport.
Jimmy Robinson 2
Yeah, I'm sure that smashing equipment and throwing food really had those flights moving right along and motivated the airport personnel to want to help those poor people. I can just hear the violins.
joel wiley 1
What would they have done if it had snowed?
sharon bias 1
Just cancel the flights and move on. Both parties handled this poorly.
and we thought that man in CLT threw a fit.
They need to hire Jackie Chan to run up their flavor of "TSA"- then again, in China they are all lucky they are not currently "camping" somewhere far off.

Scott Campbell -1
move along - non story
btweston 2
...You serious, dude?


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