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Bird strike grounds Air Force Two with Biden aboard

Air Force Two which carried Vice President Joe Biden to the Santa Barbara area Thursday night is grounded at the airport because of mechanical problems. Sources at the airport say the Vice President's plane hit birds while in flight to Santa Barbara Airport Thursday night. KEY News took photos of mechanics working on one of Air Force Two's engines. ( Más...

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vin herman 1
I don't want to get all "political and sh't... but,I guess EVEN the BIRDS have had ENOUGH of THIS ADMINISTRATION-maybe they are unemployed or foreclosed...
(although getting bird poop on ya' is supposedly "good luck"...)

[This poster has been suspended.]

Kevin Reeping 2
P&W I believe
Paul Slonaker 3
Its just a damn shame that the plane didnt go down and all were killed except the crew.
dee9bee 4
Obama has spent three of the last four "Earth Days" riding on Air Force One and now Biden's out "killing birds". :-) Why haven't we heard from the Sierra Club?

[This poster has been suspended.]

Ivan Levy-Hara 0
FYI, Mr. Fusion, any campaigning done by any candidates has to be paid by him or her. This means that if Mr. Biden were to be campainging at the time of flight, he was paying for the fuel and other costs, not us.

Get your facts staight, even if you dont like him.
dee9bee 2
Obama has spent three of the last four "Earth Days" riding on Air Force One and now Biden's out killing birds. :-) Why haven't we heard from the Sierra Club?
Ashley Grant 4
Ah, and I see that you're now copy/pasting replies to yourself now.

dee9bee 3
I get lonely...
wayne gorsek 3
Not to mention Obama nearly destroyed general aviation with his comments demonizing private aircraft owners but his family and Biden's sure enjoy flying around in tax payor funded jets!
wayne gorsek 0
Makes me sick how Biden and Obama use our tax money to fly around the world and USA for pleasure/vacations and to promote their socialist agenda and raise money to try to win 2012!
Ashley Grant 3
How many user names do you have to spout off your ridiculous crap? Go look at the stats. Obama has used Air Force One significantly less than his predecessor as well as having spent much less time on vacation.
George Haksch 1
Maybe they were terrorists?!----(Just kidding!)
John Atherton 3
Two 757s to fly that man to and from a private fundraiser. Like to hazard a guess on the cost to the tax-payers?
I thought he was being dumped for the second term?
Ivan Levy-Hara 1
FYI, Mr. John, any campaigning done by any candidates has to be paid by him or her. This means that if Mr. Biden were to be campainging at the time of flight, he was paying for the fuel and other costs, not us.

Get your facts staight, even if you dont like him.
n111ma 4
When Biden was told there was a bird strike...he thought it was a labor dispute and immediately blamed management!
Brian Bishop 1
Freakin hilarious!!
motox210 2
An air force G3 was flown in to fly out the vp.

The plane finally was finally flown out on Saturday morning
Ashley Grant 2
They had to do the same thing for a Biden appearance in Tallahassee a couple months ago. AF2 had a windshield crack on landing. Two G3s were flown in for Biden and staff. Those that didn't fit had to fly commercial. The plane was kept at KTLH for two days for repairs.
Joseph Howes 1
wow birds are so stupid. why can't they use the other working air force two?
Tuan Tran 2
FAA is studying a way to issue TFRs in Bird Language. That will be a sure way to keep the birds out and to protect the gov VIPs in the campaign season :)
charles lucke 1
air crew probably told biden about the bird strike. when they landed, he probably thought the bird was ready and time to eat........
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Birdstrike for Air Force 2, Biden on board.

On the same day Delta reported a bird strike, a bird also struck Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's plane while she was flying from Brussels to Paris, and Joe Biden was trapped in a potentially deadly situation on Thursday night when his plane was crippled by a bird strike.
Stephen Phillips 1
Not sure how to delete, sorry about the repeat.
Stephen Phillips 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Air Force Two Plane Hit By Birds

Air Force Two, with VP Biden on board, experiences multiple bird strikes in SoCal today.
william bennett 0
While so many seem to make humor out of a very near disaster they would feel different if it happened to them. The fact is this should be address by adapting a non restrictive catcher forward of the engines. Anyone with idea could well be rewarded by this in saving many lives in the future.Jokes anyone?
Ashley Grant 0
There's no easy answer for this issue. Anything placed in front of the intake will, by design be more restrictive than the completely open design currently in place. Maybe put some blades to slice the bird up in to pieces that are less likely to hurt the engine?
william bennett 0
Thanks for this answer Ashley i was beginning to think I had gotton on to a radical right wing site. These guys are like a team of Romney speech writers!And God knows he neeeds them. I find so many of these sites that have residents dwelling on them just ready to counter whatever they can for attention. My issue is about a flaw in our modern day jet aircraft and there is certainly a need for improvement. Seems to me that there is an engineer out there that will come up with all the needed data to get a design on the boards that will be workable. Sorry right wingers.,but, it takes a left wing to fly best tax paid too. My gosh aren't we conservitive though !!!Aviations best.... Avio'politico's!!!


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