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The Iron Dome: How Israel Was Able to Thwart 99% of Iran's Missile Attacks Thus Far

Since 2011, Israel's Iron Dome defense system has intercepted thousands of rockets and protected the country during times of conflict. It consists mainly of a three-part system that intercepts short-range rockets. ( Más...

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josef Sonntag 4
This is an example of how a small country can defend itself against the aggression of great powers, it is an unprecedented technological achievement, the problem is that the Western countries do not understand enough or rather understand that the fight against terrorism must be aggressive and uncompromising. This is a huge investment of resources, so the countries of South Asia should invest To protect themselves from possible aggression and the threats to Japan, South Korea, but technology alone is not enough, we need global unity against the global axis of evil.

And to think, simply bombing those terrorists back to 20 years ago would have been SO much cheaper (can not say "bomb them back to the stone ages", they are barely out of the stone ages.
Fazal Khan 2
Number 1 reason, plenty of advance warning .....
tom treutlein 0
Remember the good old days of Pres. Reagan when 99% of all the fake scientists said that anti missile defense was impossible. Now they say the world is overheating. 99% of folks with a BS in Biology shouldn't count over 1% of Physics PhDs
Karluz Heiz -6
Israel irondome is a waste of money, at the expenses of American citizens, Iran can penetrate it if they deserved so. They've advised Israel, USA and all the world they were going to attack Israel, however they're not cowards like IDF, killing and shattering to pieces civilians. If Islam/Qur'an allowed it they would launch a hypersonic rocket at the head of Netanyahu, end of genocide and conflicts in the middle east, at least until another mad dog Hitler like Netanyahu comes to power in Israel again
josef Sonntag 9
The world will wake up one day and put an end to Muslim aggression, ISIS, Iran, Syria, they are an example of what happens when Muslim madmen are not allowed to come to power. Iran murders its own citizens, all "in the name of Allah" Hamas in the Gaza Strip has killed more residents of Gaza than Israel in military action of defense did. How many people did Assad in Syria murder?
All the politics does not change the technological achievement of the Iron Dome and Arrow systems


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