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Skydweller Aero, complets the world’s first autonomous flight of a large solar-powered aircraft.

Skydweller Aero, a trailblazer in sustainable aviation, has completed the world’s first autonomous flight of a large solar-powered aircraft. This monumental flight, undertaken without any human intervention either onboard or remotely, embarked from Stennis International Airport in the United States, marking a historic milestone in autonomous aviation and environmental stewardship. A Milestone in Aerospace Innovation Skydweller’s remarkable achievement showcases the company’s technical prowess… ( Más...

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linbb -6
Question again ia HOW MUCH PAYLOAD DO THEY HAVE HOW FAR CAN THEY FLY ON ONE CHARGE HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO RECHARGE THEM? HO HUM until those questions are answered with more than the usual as soon as new battery Technolgy comes along it will be fine.

Airplaneguy28 6
Say you didnt read the article without sying you didnt read the article.


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