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Nolinor offers major salary increases to its pilots

MIRABEL, QC, April 9, 2024 /CNW/ - As the aviation industry faces a shortage of pilots, compounded by regulatory challenges and the after-effects of the pandemic, Nolinor Aviation is setting itself apart with a bold initiative aimed at valuing and retaining talent within its team. Recognizing the crucial importance of its pilots in maintaining the quality of service for which the company is renowned, Nolinor has announced a major revision of the salary grid for its Boeing 737 Captains.This new… ( Más...

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21voyageur 2
Nolinor is a special type of airline, with a special business model. Unique skills needed for this special airline in a very unique market. With the pilots at the core, a brave move by leadership.
Dave Parks 1
Including the ability to speak French as your first language..

John Taylor 1
Not that there's anything wrong with Noliner as a company (never even heard of them) but just the name; No-liner would make me think twice about flying them. And for those of you who have no sense of humor, that was a joke.
21voyageur 1
Enlighten yourself, interesting company. BTW, it's not spelt "No-liner" (sic) it's Nolinor (no "e")
Old school Arctic flying the at its best!!!
dodger4 1
About frickn time....over!!
linbb -8
And cabin crew along with ground and mechanics suffer along with low wages compaired to those up front.


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