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A New Battery Intended to Power Passenger Airplanes and EVs, Explained

The transition to electric vehicles is accelerating, with a rise in market share and advances in technology. In the accompanying blizzard of reports and corporate statements, some potentially huge developments can pass with little notice or explanation. Here’s one: CATL, the China-based company that is the world’s leading manufacturer of EV batteries, provided details last month on a next-generation battery that will have an energy density of up to 500 watt-hours per kilogram, which is roughly… ( Más...

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linbb 3
Explained? Wow so now someone is going to explain to us like most of us dont already know the problems with them? Really? So where are all of these new aircraft that actually carry a payload or have any hope of doing so even in the future? Oh and then so far have not heard of any thing about how cold it is where they fly high enough to get over weather. OH YES Explain it to us why there is no commercial air craft that is battery powered and can carry a load heavy enought or far enough to pay for itself.
JW Wilson 1
They DO carry a payload, unfortunately, it is the battery.

Tflys1 1
Yes maybe in the next 50 years it will become practical but not now. Plus anytime the words EV batteries and China-based company are in the same sentence there's a 99.8 chance that what is said is BS. Even legally listed Chinese companies here in the US lie to their share holders everyday. It's just what they do.
Rico van Dijk 0
It’s pointless as long as the majority of electricity comes from fossil fuels. Due to energy losses it’s more efficient to take a modern jet airliner, even better than taking the train.
Rico van Dijk 0
It’s pointless as long as the majority of electricity comes from fossil fuels. Due to energy losses it’s more efficient to take an modern airliner, even better than taking the train.


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