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Kansas City Opens Long-Awaited New Terminal

On Tuesday, Kansas City’s new terminal spanning 1.1 million square feet finally replaced the antiquated terminal design. Southwest Airlines was the first to operate out of the long-awaited update to the face of MCI with a flight to Chicago Midway. ( Más...

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Pat Goeke 2
Only people from outside KC like the terminal. Residents liked the old one, super convenient, but the politicians need to spend money for their power and kick backs.
Dustin Kempf 1
How to see it soon!
Dustin Kempf 1
Hope to see it soon!!

patrick baker 1
not impressed with this extravagenza. When being picked up at departures floor, watch yourself: dark, not well enough lit , and people crossing in front of departing autos with their arriving passengers really can't see you safely enough. All that exposures just to get to a parking garage. AA gaultlant at best.


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