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EasyJet pilot makes a 360º so passengers could see view of the northern lights

A most welcome flight diversion. That’s a rarity for commercial airline passengers, but it’s what travelers on at least two flights got this week when their planes looped around to give everyone a good view of the northern lights. ( Más...

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cboginsk 29
Having spent a year in Iceland, I can attest to the beauty and amazing patterns of the northern lights. Bravo to the pilots who treated their passengers to one of the best light shows nature has to offer.
EMK69 20
Nothing wrong with that.
James Driskell 19
Makes you want to fly EasyJet.
Daniel Griscom 11
This probably cost a few hundred dollars of fuel, but reaped many thousands of dollars of good PR. Win-win.
Doug Parker 2
Paradoxically, it's ultimately *not* about the money—even though it appears as though it is.
Once on way to Vegas, a SW pilot did something similar when there was a spectacular sunset at Grand Canyon. Everyone clapped and were so appreciative.
rahcam 7
Years of north Alaska flying (commercial, fixed, rotary, private, bush) have given me this opportunity many times. Always unbelievable. Especially north to Prudhoe Bay from Fairbanks. Great that more people got to see this!
Matha Goram 2
How was the reindeer sausage for breakfast?
James Quinn 3
Be eaten reindeer, though not as sausage. It was delicious and reminded me of beef.
Mark Strawn 6
In the 80's a Republic pilot did that on a flight I was on between LAS and SFO over Yosemite so everyone could see.
Doug Fehmel 4
I was on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to San Francisco, when the pilot noticed ice bergs south of Greenland. They were floating in the ocean, and the pilot announced what was below us, so he dipped the 747 so that passengers on the right side of the aircraft could see them, too. I thought that was pretty cool.
(I really want to do this) Finnair has what they call "The Northern route diplomas" where you get a diploma (and some stickers) for flying over the north poll.
Richard Loven 4
The Captain must be an around good guy. Also good public relations.
Reminds me of an early morning winter Lufthansa flight over the Italian Alps. The snowy alps were thrown into incredible black, white, and orange relief by the rising sun. After pointing this out, the pilot slowly dipped the wings back and forth for a few minutes to give us a spectacular view.
Many years ago, I was on a Pan Am 707 flying between Portland and Seattle. It was a beautiful spring day and pilot went down into a valley and gave the passengers and cabin crew a beautiful view. Even the f/as were surprised.
Bill Overdue 3
That's awesome, a rare treat!
Matha Goram 3
In the early 80s, an AA DC-10 pilot did slow dips over Grand Canyon for nearly 10 minutes after receiving permission from ATC. (I was on Channel 9 listening to the request and approval + a lot more that's off-topic).
Craig Good 4
So funny that the airline would call that a "loop".
LakeGator 5
The first story I saw about this a couple of days ago was titled "Pilot does loop so passengers can see lights" It got my attention, but I assumed it was some sort of click bait given the impossibility of the statement.
victorbravo77 2
Well, "looped around" qualifies it a little.

Now if he had said "...looped and did a half-roll a the top and pushed over, I would have been a little more concerned ;D
rbt schaffer 2
Pilot Juan Valdez.. serving Columbian Coffee on the port side.. he could have done a barrel roll.

jhakunti 1
Shouldn't he have done two, one to the left over to the right for both sides to experience the up wing view of the sky? It's only fair.
Doug Fehmel 1
IU was on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to San Francisco, when the pilot noticed ice bergs south of Greenland. They were floating in the ocean, and the pilot announced what was below us, so he dipped the 747 so that passengers on the right side of the aircraft could see them, too. I thought that was pretty cool.


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