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Hawaiian pilots land lucrative cargo contract ahead of new Amazon service

Hawaiian Airlines struck a deal with the pilots union that also covers the new freighter division at industry-leading rates. ( Más...

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WD Rseven -5
Don't worry, the union will screw this one up.
I spent 44 years in the air cargo industry, and found this article to be interesting. Good to see that Hawaiian is returning to freighter ops. In the late 1970's they operated a small fleet of L-188 Electras which I recall was used on a LogAir contract for USAF. They were sold to Zantop International Airlines around 1980. For a period Zantop operated 25 L-188's and maintained them at a Macon, Georgia facility, which was also purchased from Hawaiian. Zantop flew LogAir contracts as well as charters and common carriage after deregulation in 1978. Changing times in the air cargo industry and family owned Zantop could not keep pace with the financial requirements of modernizing their fleet of L-188, CV-640, DC-6, and DC-8 freighters. For a few short years they were moving millions of pounds of cargo nightly through their Hub in Ypsilanti, Mi.

Brian Chandler 1
L-188s? For what? Inter-island? They don't have the legs to get to the left coast
mbrews 4
According to the article, the HAL freight operations will utilize A330 aircraft, converted P to F.


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