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It Will Be At Least 2 Years Before Boeing Designs Another Commercial Plane

Boeing Stock Code BA Business Type Planemaker Date Founded 1916-07-15 CEO Dave Calhoun Headquarters Location Chicago, USA Key Product Lines Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, Boeing 777, Boeing 787. Since the launch of Boeing’s wave of next-generation aircraft through the 2010s, questions have been raised about the future of the aircraft manufacturer’s development plans. While previous precedent has pointed towards a clean-sheet, “new middle of the market” (NMA) jet to rival Airbus’… ( Más...

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It's sad how far Boeing has fallen. This is what happens when you're more interested in share holders than making good airplanes. If you Bill Walsh famously said "the score takes care of itself." In other words, you take care of the details and the bigger picture comes together. Boeing would do well to put itself back in the hands of engineers and get back to that philosophy.

linbb 1
How many more times is this going to be posted the site is getting over run with reposts and worthless post by the same TROLS


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