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Impressive: Azores Airlines Flies Record 9.5 Airbus A321LR Flight

Azores Airlines has beaten its own record for the longest Airbus A321LR flight. On Tuesday, the airline flew 7,874km between Oakland, US, and Lajes in the Azores ( Más...

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ADXbear 2
So....what's with all these records
Interesting - nine and one-half Airbuses? Who flew the half?
Sorry folks, slow morning for news here in England!
patrick baker -1
an airplane devoid of passengers, maxed out on fuel, did this flight. Decide for yourself how excited to be over this deceptive statistical effort...
Torsten Hoff 3
We all know this was under unusual circumstances, but it was a commercial flight with some passengers.

Airbus themselves did demo flights that were longer, but without passengers.

Torsten Hoff 2
This was the flight:


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