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Envoy Embraer E175 Involved In Chicago Area Drone Strike

An Envoy Air Embraer 175 reported striking a drone as it was departing Chicago O’Hare Airport this weekend. The flight, departing at 18:20 on Sunday, was passing through 2,500 feet when the pilots reported hitting something in the air. It safely returned to the airport, and no passengers or crew were injured. ( Más...

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Mike Mohle 5
OK, so, my airplane has a unique squawk code via Mode S transponder. When are these rogue drone operators going to have to do the same thing, so we know who the "pilot" is in one of these incidents so they can be prosecuted? That thing hits a windscreen of a GA airplane and someone may die (air + ground), and, if it gets sucked into a turbine engine that is a multi-million dollar bill.
Roy Hunte 1
Just saw another squawk about a police drone hitting a Cessna. Maybe your solution will work for civilian drones, but what about law enforcement?

Mike Mohle 1
Same thing. When I am the PIC in an airplane I have responsibilities, so should the "pilot" of the drone, whoever it is. The drone itself could have a unique serial number issued before it can be operated (like an "N"#), with an electronic signature.
BrianL 2
Multi-rotor RC pilots have ruined things for other RC aircraft pilots.


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