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Why Did United Airlines Fly A Brand New Boeing 737 MAX 8 To Oshkosh?

United Airlines flew a brand new Boeing 737 MAX 8 to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on Monday. The airline does not service Oshkosh, and to the nearby commercial airport it serves (Appleton), it flies in regional jets. This special flight, carrying yours truly, members of United’s team, and United’s partners in pilot training, arrived in Oshkosh at the EAA AirVenture show, where United highlighted its continued commitment to pilot training and working to highlight the various pathways to enter a career in… ( Más...

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bigkahuna400 3
UPS was also there with a brand new 747-800 as well.
canuck44 7
Spewing the company line that diversity will trump merit without sacrificing the overall pool of candidates. This will not effect the best of all categories particularly in an era of pilot shortages, but with competition heating up for pilots selection amongst the bottom third to fill quotas will promote on the wrong basis.

So too, what will the "diversity" groups entail. Skin color and gender are on the current menu but when do we get transgender, sexual orientation, disabilities, etc.

Finally diversity is part of the grievance racket. Most of us could care less who is sitting in the front seats as long as they are the best, male, female or any color. These artificial standards tend to divide us when we should be on the same page for safety.

End of daily rant.

Robert Cowling -8
That's all good, but given 4 candidates for the same job, a white, a black, a woman, and a 'gay', the white person will end up with the job the majority of the time. It's been proven thousands of times. EVEN IF THE OTHER CANDIDATES ARE ORE QUALIFIED!

Race, or the apparent lack of it (as if 'white' is no race) plays a huge role in who gets the job. So, in some cases, it can literally come down to, is the 'white guy' in the pilot seat really the *best* pilot they could put there, or was he the 'default choice', because of who ever interviewed him/her that day.

Racism is rampannt in our society. Testing skews towards the people that right the questions, and they are usually 'white'. Hiring is skewed towards the people doing the interviewing, and they are usually 'white'. It's real, and it sucks, and it's insidious, and it often puts the 'safe choice' in the job, and not the best person. Deny it all you want, but it is real, and it sucks...
Greg S 5
"...It's been proven thousands of times...".
The usual Cowling bullshit, completely fabricated claims pulled directly out of his ass.

"...Racism is rampant in our society..."
It is not. As is every claim you've ever made here, this is simply your opinion without a shred of evidence to back it up.
belzybob 2
Very true, all forms of discrimination are intolerable.


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