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Revised FAA rules put Branson and Bezos' astronaut wings in doubt

Are Sir Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos astronauts? Though both billionaires flew to at least the edge of space, they may not qualify for official astronaut wings. ( Más...

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David Isaacs 2
When I was in the fifth grade my family flew to Baltimore on a Constellation. The captain let my younger sister and me come up to the cockpit. We were flying over the Blue Ridge Mountains and I remembered that was where Arthur Godfrey lived. When we left we got a pair of silver wings. We "flew" but were not pilots. My family could afford the cost of the plane fair. That was the extent of my preparation. Years later, I got my real license after much study and training. I hope you understand my point.

Roy Hunte 2
They are simply space tourists, not astronauts.


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