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Only one U.S. airline ranked among the 10 best in the world — here’s who came out on top

Many people are taking to the skies again after receiving their COVID-19 vaccination — so which airline should they choose? According to’s annual ranking, their best bet is Qatar Airways, which topped the travel search site’s list of the Top 20 carriers around the world. The rankings were based on a range of factors, including safety and innovation. ( Más...

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C172Rpilot 0
I wouldn’t put my garbage on a UAL flight…woke attitude, dead pets, lost baggage, fights…just as bad as the Chicago mayor. This poll has been doctored - consider the source.
Shenghao Han 2
Interesting, I thought Delta was better, looks like they slipped last few years...
sparkie624 1
Used to work for Delta... they are way over rated... Before I read the article, I knew it was United... They are pushing more into Passenger Comfort where Delta and the others are more pushing Cattle Hauling.
interesting list...quatar has been noted for class and sophistication since its beginnings..they approach the customers in a more personal manner..i am surprised ual made it on this list..
Roy Hunte 2
Surprised to see BA in the #10 spot.
jeff slack 1
The fact that United and BA both make it into the top 10, is an indication that the industry, at a customer service level has reestablished its standard at a new all-time low.

EMK69 6
United surprised me for domestic flights in the US, but Qatar is still the best Airline if you have to fly commercial. Flight attendants are pure class, the few flight crews that I have spoken with know aviation and are extremely safety conscious both in and out of the cockpit.


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