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The risk of routine in the cockpit....

SIA 777 stopped climb at 500ft after crew's waypoint entry error. They seemed to do everything right but still missed the obvious. How does this happen? ( Más...

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Roger Anderson 1
Damn, since when did FlightGlobal start paywalling so many articles.
HenryOmodara 1
Its been a while now :-) I can only guess when the subscription for the print magazine started to decrease thanks to the trusted internet!
Mike Mohle 1
Missed the obvious? Don't know what it's doing?? Then A/P off till diagnosed.

HenryOmodara 1
Very true. It goes to show even the best can have a bad day in the office. SIA has a solid safety record to date, so one can only assume this is an anomaly or inherent training deficiencies that have been hidden well so far.


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