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New MH370 debris washed up in South Africa?

New possible Malaysia Airlines MH 370 debris has been found in South Africa earlier this month but there has been no reaction from Malaysian officials. ( Más...

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patrick baker 0
one way there would have been no seat cushions recovered is if the aircraft made landfall. If the aircraft landed in the water, deep or shallow, i find it unlikely the plane remained intact, thereby freeing seat cushions to travel and eventually reach some shore somewhere.
patrick baker 0
infrequent teasings of debris: what is going on here? one of the mysteries of our or any time....
Colin Seftel 3
It's significant that not one of the 300+ seat cushions (which were designed to be flotation aids) has been found. This tells me that the fuselage is still mostly intact and not in deep water, which would have crushed it.

Indeed a valid observation.


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