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SARS-CoV-2: Should the Middle Seat Stay Empty?

Risks of contracting the virus reduces by >50% when the middle economy seat is empty for a two hour flight. ( Más...

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Roy Hunte 3
Put a table between the seats.
paul trubits 2
They have one in first class

Greg Kusiak 3
When this virus isn’t as much of a concern, this is something I’d like to see remain. Travel has the opportunity to return to being a luxurious thing again for all.
Carl Spade 2
Maybe. But are passengers willing to pay more money for it?? Airlines operate on a profit basis. Empty seats cut into that profit. Trump Americans would clearly rather get Covid-19 than pay even one cent more to be protected from it. Some 70,000,000 Americans who voted for Trump and the Republicans think Covid-19 is a hoax. So the safety seat is going to disappear.


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