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WestJet Flight Canceled Over Bizarre Toddler Mask Incident

Mask usage seems to be one of the primary sources of inflight conflict nowadays. I write about these situations frequently, and a vast majority of the time it seems that the problem is with the person choosing not to wear a mask. Well, this situation may be different, as reported by CBC. ( Más...

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airline employess ARE REQUIRED to abide by the rules and regulations and yes,restrictions of the carrier for which the work,when flying on employee passes..the mask problem is one that affects every traveller on every carrier,and an employee especially should be aware of the requirements in order to causing a big scene as these people did,they embarrassed the airline for which the person worked,and i would not be surprised if the person /employee not can bet the other passengers on the plane were not made aware the problem was with an employee and the employees family..this is not a RACE ISSUE,but a matter of rules,common sense, and an employee causing a commotion..the rules apply whether you are black,green,blue or purple when flying on an employee benefit,travel passes..

Nick Carlson 1
the flight crew should have been fully aware of the mask rules, which includes infants under two years of age not being required to wear a mask. To insist otherwise makes the crew at fault, not the passenger (only incidentally a fellow employee). West Jet should be ashamed of themselves and faulting their free pass employee is outrageous. No wonder the other passengers stood up for the family.
Greg S 2
There is no evidence or hint that they caused a big scene. From the article it seems like they complied and the scene was entirely the fault of WestJet crew. You talk of common sense, well common sense will tell you there is no way to keep a mask on a 3 year old for more than a few minutes, and an 18 month old will have no understanding at all about the mask and will instantly claw it off.
Greg S 2
Sounds like the flight crew is just auditioning to get jobs at United.
Richard Orgill 1
Sounds like WestJet may be at fault if other passengers agree to testify on their behalf. Not buying into the race issue but now days it seems everyone can claim race.

3 sides to every story let's see where this one ends up.


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