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Las Vegas police investigate alleged assault on plane at McCarran

Las Vegas police are investigating an assault on an airplane at McCarran International Airport early Monday. Crews said the assault happened on a Spirit aircraft. ( Más...

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Will Spirit Airlines never learn: Assault me once, shame on you; assault me twice, shame on me. First Detroit, now Las Vegas. Soon it will be system-wide. Just another reason why I will never fly on Spirit. Customer service; what customer service? Yes,I too thought it was an assault on the plane itself. I thought "You attack a plane, you assault a person." LOL
john doe 4
Shoot - I was expecting to read about some steroid-enraged 747 beating up on a defenseless Dash-8 or something.
Jim Vellucci 8
Who writes these headlines - second graders? I sure hope the plane fought back !
Gregg Bender 4
Commercial aviation had become Greyhound with wings.
Stefan Sobol 5
If only it was that good. Last time I checked you could get on a bus without the whole TSA thing.

El Kabong 8
I first saw the title as someone assaulting the aircraft itself as was like WTF? I mean it IS Spirit, but still, think of the airplanes!
Harold Dola 1
Maybe they're back in business:
sharon bias 3
Clean-up at Gate 37

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Dwight Hartje 8
With what is going on in America nothing is a surprise anymore.
Anarchists & terrorists (antifa) probably thought the white paint of the plane was racist & supremacist...
Michael Meyers -4
It’s the MAGA thing in full bloom!


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