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Air NZ turns Dreamliner into inter-island cargo carrier

Air New Zealand has turned its Dreamliner into a cargo carrier. The airline said it would fly the Boeing 787-9 jet between Christchurch and Auckland three times a week to take cargo from the South Island to international markets. ( Más...

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You are correct. 6 of the 15 777 they have are operating. I must have been reading "fake news"
Alan Macdonald 1
No they didn't. I've had 3 ANZ 777's overfly my home in Australia in just the past week en-route from Hongkong to Auckland. Maybe they were out on day release for good behavior

Alan Macdonald 1
In fact at 03:00 AEST May 19, I notice ANZ6174 ZK-0KP a Boeing 777-319ER just off the coast of northern Queensland on its route HKG-AKL presently at 37000'. So definitely not all parked up
Saw the same thing!. Unusual flight number?. ZK-NZN not far behind him (or her!)
The narrative suggests that ANZ have "a" Dreamliner. They have 14 and 11 are in service at this time. They parked their 777s until next year


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