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American Airlines Transported A Record-Breaking 115,000 Pounds Of Seeds Bound For American Farmers

American Airlines transported a record breaking 115,000 pounds of seeds to farmers in the US for a busy planting season. Spring is soybean and corn planting season in America’s heartland as U.S farmers continue to produce. The airline transported the seeds from Argentina to the United States. ( Más...

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ADXbear 2
Love it.. great repurposing for the airlines right now..

Keep crews current, aircraft flying, income flowing and human needs addressed..

Good job American
matt jensen 2
"the seeds are traveling on one of American’s cargo-only routes from Buenos Aires (EZE) to Miami (MIA)."

Fla doesn't grow much soybeans - so the transfer was really about breaking a cargo record for a 737. In the meantime American truckers transported three truck loads each or 150,000 lbs of soybeans, 188,000 lbs of cotton seed and 300,000 lbs of corn to American farmers for planting.

matt jensen 1
Correction a 777


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