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FAA says pilots need additional training on 737 Max

Decisions on training may delay the plane’s return to the skies and prove costly for airlines ( Más...

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patrick baker 2
any pilot who flies the max 737 ought to have advance experience in a simulator to have a chance to react to the new software and its handling. And then a few hours or so in the real bird to further see what the sofware does in real flight.
That is the price of reestablishing a tinge of confidence in Boeing's bucking bronco......

From a travelers point of view: How can anyone trust what the FAA states or certifies? What I'm looking for is the highest time pilots from every airline currently owning the MAX, fly the sim and actual aircraft, doing what ever test the engineers design that tests the entire system. Of course, the engineers must be seated in the test planes, along with the FAA administrators, who seem to have such a big say in these proceedings. Once the PILOTS are satisfied, bring in the lower hour crew and judge their handling of the SAME TESTS. Perhaps that test scheme will uncover the fact or fiction about how well crews are trained in any region or country. This should not be a hard problem to solve, once the political BS is removed from the proceedings.
ADXbear 1
No pilots union endorsement, no pilots here in states.. period..

The days of trust are gone.. now its verify in sims. With a raised level of testing all systems..
There is nothing to gain, why would they (regardless of how they feel about it)?

They'll endorse it just like they endorse any other airplane... by flying it.
Greg S 3
The simple truth is that US and other western flight crews are already more than capable of safely flying the bad old MAX's without any software fixes, no matter what MCAS does. The same MCAS failures that helped bring down Lion Air would've been easily handled by any competent flight crew. That's not to say that MCAS isn't a total screwup, but let's stop being politically correct and in the process costing the airline industry and national economies billions of dollars. MAX-specific training on an iPad is more than adequate for, say, any Southwest Airlines crew. They should get into the sim when they can, but that's no reason to stop flying MAXs.
Philip Pesek 0
Your attitude has killed many people who were really good pilots--on paper.

All sorts of people are "competent" at airspeed zero imagining how they fly and posting to social media--or even in a sim where they know they are getting a canned emergency. Reality is different. In reality, Scott fucking Crossfield dies flying a Cessna 210 into a thunderstorm.
Greg S 1
Complete nonsense, and your examples have nothing at all to do with my comment. If you have a factual or educated opinion as to why my comment is incorrect, I'm happy to hear it. As it stands now, your commentary is derp.
Well I better go delete all my social media posts bragging about how I would never go an entire flight with the stick shaker going off.

Cuz it can happen to anybody, amirite?
Chris B 2
Until the FAA and all the Pilots from airlines who are helping the FAA/Boeing have finished finding issues got it to work properly, then approved the new software there isn't any point in jumping into sims.
That says all the airlines with Maxs delivered and parked in deserts around the world should have priority for sim time and getting approval to fly.
How did they do under the same conditions in an NG sim?


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