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Woman arrested after RAF jets escort passenger plane back to London

A woman has been arrested after two Royal Air Force (RAF) jets were forced to escort a passenger plane back to London following severe disruption on board shortly after take-off. Jet2, a British low-cost airline, reported that there had been an "extremely disruptive passenger" on board its flight Saturday from London Stansted Airport to Dalaman in southwest Turkey. ( Más...

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Cansojr 2
Again we are forced to deal with a disruptive passenger who's antics screw up the travel plans of the other passengers. We must enforce a zero flight access instead of shrugging off this behaviour. An appropriate penalty would be commensurate with the total airfares would be used for flights by the disrupted. The guilty party would pay these fares and any other court ordered penalties.

Finally they would be put on the international no fly list for an unspecified amount of time, maybe forever. A psychiatric exam would also be ordered by the court. There is really something wierd happeniing with so many cases of air rage are now being reported...its getting worse each year. Whatever happened to civil decorum in public places.

ToddBaldwin3 1
Way back in the bad old days of the Cold War, if an in-bound plane missed a check turn or failed to authenticate, it was intercepted and escorted to the nearest airport. The airline was billed for the cost of the intercept. Perhaps we can start billing the unruly pax for that?
Viv Pike 1
It happens ...


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