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United eatback cameras

I guess some customers were afraid of being filmed/taped/watched live doing their 'dirty deeds'. (www) Más...

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One easy solution...duct tape. Just ask Red Green.
Larry White 1
Ken,,would a Sharpy marker do the job also?? Or how about a wad of gum stuck on the lens?

Spencer Hoefer 2
What kind of 'dirty deeds' are you doing in your seat? Chances are if it's that dirty it should be done in the restroom lmao
Larry White 1
laffing so hard I spilled my beer.
Cansojr 2
It's really bad when you blow the beer back through your nose when you are laughing out of control.
Cansojr 2
Government and corporate organizations want to watch us eat lunch or barf on their camera. Intrusion into our lives is one thing...but on the seatbacks, give us all a break.
Mike Mohle 2
Watching them eat? LOL
Cansojr 1
I don't know the specifics but this is an absurd intrusion into our lives. Possibly this can be used to observe unusual passengers like the "seat-bomber". This could be a safety instrument but they better explain clearly how this camera be used.
Larry White -1
lmfao,, spilled my iced tea. yeah eating box lunches.
Larry White -1
or Oscar Meyer(sp) weenies???? Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weener.lalala.
Larry White 1
I just Delta airlines has sided with United now. Guessing more will join also if they have these 'Peeping-Toms' on their a/c. Seems a few days back, there was an article about A/A but can't find it now.


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