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Federal investigators reportedly suspect that pilot error played a role in the fatal Amazon Air cargo crash

Inspectors with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) suspect that pilot error — not aircraft malfunctions — led to the deadly Atlas Air crash on February 23, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. All three people on board died in the crash. The NTSB said on March 5 that, shortly before the plane's crash landing, the Boeing 767-300 cargo jet entered some turbulence. Then, the engines increased to maximum thrust, after which the airplane pitch turned slightly up. That… ( Más...

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bbabis -2
No pilot puts a plane nose down like that without announcing to the other pilot what the plan is. The CVR will be critical to this investigation. Also, I wonder if there is a record of the pilot ever doing this maneuverer before. Possibly rapidly diving through what looked like a clear area to get to the clear weather that he was told was on the other side, losing situational awareness, and getting caught in a downburst also.
MultiComm 3
I can’t even fathom this question let alone an answer in today’s 121 airline training world.
nightflyer182 1
NTSB prelim says, "the airplane pitch increased to about 4° nose up. The airplane then pitched nose down over the next 18 seconds to about 49°."

Only 4°??? In what world is that an issue??? Something happened to make that plane pitch 49° nose down, and it was NOT the pilot (s)! Never would any pilot with that much experience react so surprisingly for such a small pitchup!

Chris B 3
Whole scenario is so unusual that I'd rather wait for the facts, keep my thoughts to myself and ignore speculation.
MultiComm 2
If it is not directly taken from the NTSB investigative report. It is not FACT!
ADXbear 2
why use a news source that requires a paid subscription..
bentwing60 7

This is the NTSB prelim. from their site and nowhere does it say "shortly before the plane's crash landing" and in no whacky world would they ever use the erroneous term! Phony MSM is for the moron incapable of research and is believed by many ,sadly, but debunked by few. Having read many an NTSB/FAA prelim., THEY DO NOT SPECULATE! For the real drivers here, read the report, some pretty serious brain teasers in there based on what they have revealed. Where this pseudo reporters garbage came from is the real mystery? It was the food editor last week.
bbabis 2
Brain teaser in deed. The CVR should shed some light.

[This poster has been suspended.]

[This poster has been suspended.]

Viv Pike 0
You are slating Business Insider, but everything they said, they were quoting the WSJ? So now Business insider is at fault? Not the Wall Street Journal? Just asking.


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