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People Are Worried About Singapore Airlines' Entertainment System Cameras. Turns Out, American Airlines Has Cameras, Too

A viral photo showing a camera in a Singapore Airlines in-flight TV display recently caused an uproar online. The image was retweeted hundreds of times, with many people expressing concern about the privacy implications. As it turns out, some seat-back screens in American Airlines’ premium economy class have them, too. ( Más...

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Skype in-flight anyone 😂😂😂

wingbolt 4
Just pull a piece of chewing gum that’s probably stuck under the seat and stick it over the camera. Might even be some “stuff” at the bottom of the seat pocket that will work as well. Improvise!
btweston 6
I’ll go with tape, thanks.
don't like it, don't fly it. Although, with a smart phone, laptop, and tablet all with built in cameras, are you really concerned about a camera on you?

Yes, there can be great service enhancement, skype and such. security (to check on pax who may be up to no good) or even to record incidents (asaults, etc)

i don't think this was done with nefarious intent by the airline. "the COTS unit" comes with them preinstalled. probably cheaper to buy with it than without.

of course, just because the airline said they turned it off doesn't mean someone from the airline won't abuse it. but i really don't intend to be doing anything that shouldn't be recorded, especially in a tin can with a bunch of people squeezed next to me.
jhakunti 4
Personally i want there to be monitoring of passengers in flight by the airline because if anyone is looking for trouble they should be seen. Also there is no privacy in the back of an airliner that isnt an ACJ or BBJ. Fly private if you want privacy.
Greg Dowd 3
If you want privacy stay in your home. An airplane is a public space no one should ever expect privacy in a seat you have bought for a flight.

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Jesse Carroll 1
Don't knock it tell you try it! The 6 mile high club is a fun place!
joel wiley 1
What's the big deal? Hasn't Aeroflot had cameras on the passengers for decades?

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Kobe Hunte 4
i disagree.. sorry
btweston 2
You’re not speaking for the US, pal.
jhakunti 0
I agree. i think the best policy would be to keep the public naive to the active cameras so that deviant behavior could be naturally weeded out, only referencing the camera recordings in incidents, but even then not letting the public know the cameras were ever recording.
joel wiley 1
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who gets to decide on 'deviant'? In the old Soviet Union, disagreement with or criticism of the government was recognized as evidence of 'mental illness'.
jhakunti 0
Deviant as in anything illegal such as trying to sexually molest a fellow passenger, or perhaps tampering with the safe transport of an air carrier. Nothing to do with Soviet Russia on the level we are discussing.
joel wiley 0
OED: 1. Deviating; divergent. spec. Deviating from normal social, etc., standards or behaviour.
Note that it is not limited to the sexual, nor is it necessarily illegal to qualify for the term.
jhakunti 1
Yes thanks. I will leave it to each individual airline to determine which behavior the do not want onboard their aircraft or on their property. But like I stated, privacy is for private jets and even that is limited. Public mode of conveyance or use of public services such as atc doesnt guarantee privacy.
Kobe Hunte 0
Why would they really want to spy on their passengers? Honestly, I really don't get the theory of it.

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Kobe Hunte 1
because the passengers would already know about it....

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Kobe Hunte 3
so if they "say" they arent active, why do they have them? There is obviously some underlining reason which we dont know..

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David Stark 1
Fair to ask only if one did not actually read the article. The answer is there.
jhakunti 1
Sexual assaults happen ver frequently on planes and buses when passengers fall asleep. Unaccompanied minors are at greater risks. The best thing would be to tellnthe public they're inactive and keep most airline employees unbeknownst ofnthe camera''s active status and only reference the tapes when incidents occur. That would be policy at my airline. Only COO, chief pilot, and other C-level executives shouldnbe granted access tonthe camera's recordings,
Only problem is that if the plane operates in a state that is "2 party consent" you are breaking wiretapping laws by not informing the passengers or crew of active recording.
jhakunti 1
Be specific to which wire tapping laws and bow they would apply? Im sure under DOT regulations the same authority that grants motorcarriers the right to record would be applied to airliners although possibly via seperately stated policy.
joel wiley 0
Read the fine print on your ticket. By purchasing and agreeing to be carried, what rights did you waive in accepting the terms and conditions attached?
jhakunti 2
I didnt think you meant anything serious. There is no such thing as wire tapping laws. Especially ad applied to inside a public mode of conveyance.


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