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Woman jokes 'there's a bomb' in overhead bin on flight, gets arrested

A Canadian woman has learned the hard way that joking about bombs on board a plane never ends well. Nathalie Dorothee Tremblay was arrested Wednesday after she quipped about an explosive device while on an Air Canada flight that was preparing to depart Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport for Montreal. Local media WPTV and The Sun-Sentinel reported that when a flight attendant inquired about a roller bag protruding from an overhead bin, the 53-year-old joked, "There's a bomb… ( Más...

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jbermo 1
This had happened on one of my flights when on a Friday night at LAS years ago. It was an innocent but stupid comment by a passenger that ended up costing him $$ thousands. Although incarcerated for the remainder of the weekend, he had to pay big $$ fees for everything and everyone - his incredible legal expenses, the expenses of the dog team that cleared the airplane, FBI fees for those agents called out, and also fees to the airline for the "loss of time and delay expenses" with their airplane while it waited for its bomb inspection. . . . In short, he had to pay for everything.
bbabis 1
Another shining example of the state of idiocy on all sides of the commercial air transportation world. I can only laugh and thank the Lord that I very rarely use the airlines.
william baker 2
This is as bad as saying HI to JACK when you see him on a plane. Lol
Bernie20910 2
I have a friend whose actual name is "Bomber". I never pick him up or drop him off at the airport.
bbabis 1
LoL! I'm sure he's on the no-fly list anyway.
william baker 1
Lol I’m sure. I would love to drop him off and piss tsa off. I told you once officer his real name is Bomber. Lol
SFOSpotting -3
You see kids and Canadians, you can't do that here in America.
Cansojr 0
You see Americans is that we do not let any nut meat on our planes as it was the AIR CANADA F/A told the TSA some idiot brought a bomb on board, and that's not allowed in CANADA. That aircraft is sovereign CANADIAN TERRITORY, nobody can storm it if it is a terrorist event and we have signed off on it. The cavalry can't just storm the plane.
Highflyer1950 2
So I reread the article and the F/A asked whose bag was sticking out of the overhead and the Pax made a dumb remark and the F/a reported it to the Captain........boom you are gone! As far as soverign territory unless the aircarft is deemed a diplomatic flight the airline would have to abide by the rules of the country it is currently in, as far as I remember. But then I’ve been wrong before.

matt jensen 2
Once the hatch is closed and locked - it's sovereign.
Cansojr 0
Nope, once you cross the deck threshold you are in Canada. You guys have different rules on sovereignty. If the Captain bars your entrance you are not getting in. I have done that in my career. Normally everybody cooperates if you are dealing with a nut meat. The RCMP cannot just board a DELTA Flight either.
Highflyer1950 1
I think that would only apply to aircraft passengers that have gone through customs pre clearance and I’m not aware of any Can Customs pre cleaance at US airports. My memory serves that once the wheels leave the ground the country of registration has jurisdiction unless intercepted by the military enroute and ordered to land. In YYZ the RCMP actually did board a US reg aircraft!
Highflyer1950 5
You can’t do that anywhere! As far as a display of airline passenger idiocy, I wouldn’t pat the americans on the back too hard now!
SFOSpotting 3
Yeah, but in America, you will get arrested and some pretty severe jail time. In other countries, you will get kicked off and may be detained, but America is far worse. Also was being a little sarcastic.


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