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Flight Advisory GPS Interference Testing

GPS testing is scheduled as follows and may result in unreliable or unavailable GPS signal. ( Más...

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jbqwik 5
heads-up! That's quite a block of time. Don't know about anyone else but this is a good example example of my dependence upon, and expectations of GPS reliability.However did we manage before all this technology <grin>

bashdan 3
This might be a good time to break out the good old sextant! Lol
bentwing60 1
seems to me it was somethin like true vi*%gins make dull companions. cross the wind line and it's a compass heading. not to be confused with airmail smudge pots and route 66.
wingbolt 3
Just in time for Super Bowl traffic heading to Atlanta.
sparkie624 1
Good information.... Working in the Airline Industry and flying planes in that region, it will make my day go easier!
bashdan 2
You're welcome!


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