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FAA clears in-flight WiFi for takeoff on American Airlines

American Airlines' plans to offer in-flight broadband access across certain transcontinental flights took a major step forward yesterday. Aircell, the airline's in-flight Internet access provider, has received two important approvals from the FAA, and is now cleared to begin rolling out its service. Full article at ars technica. ( Más...

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dbaker 0
I think the article is joking that people might get violent if they have to listen to other passengers talk on the phone.
jerry1gman 0
"The ban on cellular voice and VoIP services while in flight should reduce network traffic, improve overall service latency, and most importantly, prevent a number of in-flight homicides that might otherwise occur."
When was there a problem of "in-flight homicides" due to cell phones?

jerry1gman 0
"The ban on cellular voice and VoIP services while in flight should reduce network traffic, improve overall service latency, and most importantly, prevent a number of in-flight homicides that might otherwise occur."
When was there a problem of "in-flight homicides" due to cell phones?


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