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Plane slides into snowbank during takeoff

FORT WAYNE (WTHR) - A Delta flight taking off from Fort Wayne International Airport slid into a snowbank Tuesday night. ( Más...

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Shenghao Han 1
All we need is American Airlines to have a bit taxi way excursion as well.
bartmiller 0
Saw the old small Air Force 1 (DC-8) with Clinton aboard do the same at KCMI.

Slowed down traffic for the rest of us.
ToddBaldwin3 1
Sort of. The aircraft, a Boeing 707 airframe (USAF VC-137C) didn't quite make a turn and the right main got stuck in the mud.
sharon bias 2
Sounds like an opportunity for someone to develop paint that repels ice.

ellis chernoff 10
Poor headline. The words used to lead the report give impression the plane was at high speed on a runway. In truth, the airplane was on a taxiway on the way to the runway prior to departure. Big difference.
sparkie624 6
Thanks for the clarification.... Of course the media has to sensationalize... That is how they make their money, even if they are lying...
Pileits 5
What you mean the press might actually make up stories, I'm crushed!
sparkie624 1
Not good..> This one on SkyWest (CRJ 200)- Glad no one was hurt. Plane scheduled from FWA to ATL
Bayouflier 1
So why is Delta getting the bad press for a Sky West mishap????
sparkie624 1
In the real world, the public thinks that All Delta Planes are flown owned and flown by Delta... Most of what they see is a Big Flag on the Tail with a huge name on the side.... Very few look at the little logo on the side of the plane that says who it belongs to...
Shenghao Han 2
Cus they are using Delta’s liverly and tail logo
william baker 1
That’s Three
Cansojr 1
A year ago a Cargojet Canada slid into the terminal building in St. John's Nfld. In strong winds and icy conditions. Captain Crunch could not live his new apellation down.


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