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Indonesian authorities release preliminary Lion Air B737 crash report

The Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has released the preliminary report about the fatal flight Lion Air LNI610. ( Más...

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bbabis 3
Figure 5 is very telling. Clearly something broke at the (A) line. Up till then it was a fight between auto-trim and manual trim with brute force elevator control. Why the crew did not disable auto-trim is beyond me. Not thinking of it or not knowing how are equally bad answers.
F Minook 1
Figure 5 is very telling. The left side AoA data indicate that the data to the computer had significant noise riding on the actual AoA data.They did not provide the data from the previous flight in the same manner but it probably would have shown the same static noise. The AoA module was replaced prior to the doomed flight so that would eliminate the module. It would point to an anomaly in the cabling from the AoA to the computer. The replaced module was tested and past the test on the ground. The aircraft skin produces a lot of static noise as it flies and that may have been introduced into the cabling. This may be a case where some hardware penetrated the cabling shield. There have been no major reports of similar incidents with this design. It may be a one time anomaly.
william baker 1
I heard the the AoA sensor wasn’t replaced. Last I heard was that the mechanic worked on other sensors but not the defective AoA. Let’s get this straight before we start saying the wrong things. The investigation will tell the truth over time.
F Minook 1
I read the maintenance report 1.6.3 Aircraft Flight and Maintenance Log and I think the report states that they did replace the AoA sensor and did a test. The test passed after the replacement. Section 3 stated that they replace the sensor. They also flushed the connector in the system which is logical in case there is any fluids with debris. They also stated the the test on the ground checked good. I saw the same statement that stated the AoA was not replaced but I found that to be in error as reported by maintenance log in the report.

[This poster has been suspended.]

william baker 1
They did notice it and had the same issue as this crew did. However they kept shutting down the auto trim and finally got the system off complete or fixed it and then flew it to there destination and landed where they told maintence about the issue who worked on replacing sensors but never touched the AoA.


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