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New ‘Air Force One' completes preliminary design review

The US Air Force’s forthcoming Boeing VC-25B, popularly known by the call sign “Air Force One" when the president travels aboard, recently completed its preliminary design review. The Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate also said on 26 November that it anticipates that the VC-25B programme will complete its critical design review a year from now. In April, Boeing was granted $24.1 million for additional design work on the next generation of presidential aircraft with the intent… ( Más...

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ThePumpkin 1
Waste of money...

SorenTwin 1
Remember when Trump complained about the use of 747's for AF1 and how he vowed to get rid of those "colossal wastes of taxpayer money"?

Now there's going to be two more. Typical.


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