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A Athlete From Australia Claims Airline Forced Him to Urinate in a Water Bottle

A paraplegic athlete from Australia claims he was forced to urinate in a water bottle on a flyDubai plane because the airline didn’t have a wheelchair to accommodate him. Darren Belling was flying from Dubai to Helsinki on his way to represent his country in the World Para Ice Hockey Championships in October when the incident occurred. ( Más...

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Highflyer1950 4
I probably should ‘t comment but Mike posted this so here goes. Yes it’s the worst ever to be in a wheel chair and then have to figure out how to travel from one place to another? The only thing that is a constant is to be informed, that means aircraft do not carry wheel chairs to roll up and down the aisle! They also don’t necessarily have the baggage room for wheel chairs but there is a way to make sure a wheel chair is available at your destination if you think far enough ahead. Always travel with an attendant, they make life so much easier and attract less unwanted attention! It sucks to be in a wheel chair but who is going to throw your ass out the emergency exit and drag you away from the burning aircraft ....that’s a discussion for another day? When the FAA mandated evac times of 90 to 120 seconds for airline ops they did not envision 12 wheel chairs pax on a flight from Chicago to Miami?

Cansojr 1
OUTSANDING POINT, wheel chairs are a hazard for passengers trying to evacuate a burning plane. The AF at YYZ would be a horrible tragedy if the aisles are blocked with wheel chairs. My mother was put in a special seat and there were attendants for her as you clearly stated. That's why it's important to forwarn the carrier in advance. You avoid hassles and delays getting to your destination. Some carriers have facilities to accommodate the physicality challenged passengers.
Cansojr 1
Near the mend of my mothers life she was incapacitated but wwould still fly from the east coast to the west. I can't say this for all flights with AIR CANADA. But these flights were around 3000km and she never had trouble or assistance problems getting to the lav. Not all carriers are the same but you would think the carrier would be prepared to deal with Olympic Para-Athletes.This is truly a shame. All carriers take notice not just AC. There are physically challenged people who want to fly but some carriers will not accommodate them.


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