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Delta's New Airbus A220 (aka Bombardier CSeries) Boasts A Bathroom With A View

Delta opened the door to its new Airbus A220 Monday, enabling visitors to see something unique in U.S. commercial aviation – a view from the bathroom. ( Más...

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Cansojr 6
Not only does the lav have a window in it. The Bbombardier engineers went with larger windows the same size as the passengers. With more light in the cabin increases the illusion that the aircraft is larger than it really is. This makes a sense of room in the A220 and the 230 models. This is the feature of these new aircraft. Once DELTA, AIR BALTIC and AIR CANADA work them into their schedules other crews. Other airlines will notice and that other carriers will start dumping of the aircraft made by Embraer (sic.)
siriusloon 1
Air Baltic "worked them into their schedule" in December 2016. Swiss International Airlines began CSeries operations even earlier, in July 2016.

I don't think the windows are "the same size as the passengers", but perhaps you're privy to more info on that topic?
Cansojr 1
Thank you for pointing out my error about the launch dates. Swiss was the first aircraft delivered by Bombardier C-series. Good Catch!
Cansojr 1
It was in a promotionary video for Bombardier stated that the Lav window was the same size as the passengers. I don't think the promotional video has been used by Airbus. So it may be difficult to find on Bombardier's on line promotional materials before Airbus sank it's talons into Bombardier. Sadly they had to merge with Airbus in order to survive.
siriusloon 1
I suspect what it said was the bathroom window is the same size as the passengers' windows, not the same size as the passengers -- who range in size from infants to behemoths.

Airbus only acquired the CSeries programme. There was no merger with or takeover of Bombardier.
Cansojr 1
Fly on it and you will become convinced about the unique characteristic of this aircraft. You are more refreshed when you fly in a very quiet airplane. In burns a quarter less fuel
of the fuel that other carriers will pay for. Thats got to be a bonus for CEO's worried about fuel and ticket costs for their repeat passengers. This is the GREENIST aircraft In the world in it's class. Designed and first assembled by Bombardier. Its popularity is gaining interest with other carriers. Additionally it will generate interest with other airlines and why its better to fly on this Canadian desined and manufactured in Canada.
Larry Toler 2
If anyone had the pleasure of using the lav in a Jetstream J41, the emegency door is across from the toilet and next to the F/A jump seat. The window on the door is toward the bottom and you can get a great view of what we fly over.
Chris B 1
When will we start calling the aircraft by its A220 and not Bombardier? People accepted the way MD planes were renamed.....
siriusloon 2
The heading says "Airbus A220 (aka Bombardier CSeries)". Not everyone is used to, or even aware of, the new designation. It's perfectly acceptable to include the old name that way. The purpose of the article is to communicate, you know, convey information. It did exactly that.

And by the way, not many people call it a Boeing F-4 Phantom or a Boeing DC-3. Do you?
Hmm, what's in a name?

We called our RAF DC-3s (via C-47 designation) "Dakotas"; the self-loading cargo still fell out of the back on schedule when the red light turned green.

And the Boeing MD11.5 is still a fine workhorse.

Cansojr 1
My father flew convoy escorts and hunted U-Boats in a Consolidated Catalina also known as a Canso. It's in my squawk name to honour my father's memory. I am Canso Jr, or Cansojr.
Larry Toler 1
Don't forget the MD 17.
Cansojr 1


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