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Air India Pilot lands in US after nightmare : System failure, Bad weather, low fuel

Lost all ILS systems, facing bad weather and to top that, Air India's long haul flight with 377 passengers was very low on fuel and landed manually at New York ( Más...

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Steven Palmer 1
Oh dear a pilot had to land a plane manually???
Whatever next? A pilot learns to take off and fly an airplane!
J Sathish 1
It was a brave decision that saved so many souls on board AIC 101and the same aircraft was airborne a day later. Is it only that easy an issue to be resolved so quickly, if so, then better precautions must be taken. Experience always matters especially in this case it was very evident. Good job AirIndians. Making the best in a worst case.

S N Mishra 1
After reading news all the people in india are bit scared . It’s not the question of 377 passengers but the life of Crew members are equally important. Thanks to all four pilots and ATC in US for saving life . The aviation minister must resign as he is good for nothing to looked after his duties.
Rajesh Kakkad 0
Correction: It was landed at Newark after he could not land at JFK. It was Delhi-New York flight.


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