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Air India Boeing 777 at New York on Sep 11th 2018, multiple instruments including localizer receivers lost

An Air India Boeing 777-300, registration VT-ALQ performing flight AI-101 from Delhi (India) to New York JFK,NY (USA) with 370 people on board, was on final approach to JFK's runway 04R descending through about 300 feet AGL in reduced visibility (RVR reported at 3500 feet) when the crew initiated a go around reporting an unstable approach. ( Más...

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sharon bias 2
Does Air India actually have mechanics to maintain their planes? Every week it's another potential disaster.
patrick baker 2
i bet there was a high pucker factor up front, as many pilots have reverence for the electronics, and not much practice in 777 partial panels.
Ken McIntyre 2
Scratch "Flying to India" off my bucket list...
jptq63 2
All subjective here and not likely to be flying on them any time in my life time, but given the several non-pleasant events the past year or so with this airline, I hope more people stay out of their flying buckets till they take some significant changes, as I fear somewhere down the line, people may be kicking it at the poor rate of events. Thoughts mainly relate to how poor the airline financial situation is, how the gov’t did not get any offers, and that it does take money to get parts, train people, etc….
patrick baker 1
i want to see Air India banned from us airspace until top to bottom the company can demonstrate higher levels of pilot competnce and more evidence of occasional mechanical work.

mkeflyer 1
Controllers need to pay attention more...Crew said they couldn't fly an ILS and the controller still asked if they could fly a CAT III Autoland?


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